

How can we create more opportunities 为 women and girls and work 为 greater gender equality, 为所有人创造一个更好的社区?

Those goals are the driving 为ce behind the 澳门水利博彩官方网站大学 妇女和女童研究中心 (RCWG). Founded in 1970, the RCWG generates and applies research, develops curricula, prepares evaluation tools and conducts outreach 为 the purpose of supporting and inspiring initiatives to improve the lives of women and girls locally and nationally.


May 2022 - The RCWG collaborated with the 学术卓越中心 and the Thea Bowman Institute to host a dynamic panel of women who engaged with 澳门水利博彩官方网站 students in meaningful dialogue about their lived experiences in leadership within diverse local communities. Panelists shared personal stories, wisdom, and advice during the Dr. 玛丽·安·施瓦茨 & Dr. 理查德。 布鲁尔演讲系列,有意识的领导者活动.





To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 妇女和女童研究中心 and the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, 我们正在进行更新版本的 区域工作组第一份报告: 威斯康星州公共生活中的女性, 1971年出版. 这项调查的目的是 better understand women's pathway to office in Wisconsin in order to develop strategies and tell the stories of women's success in elected office.


The RCWG has further partnered with the Wisconsin Women’s Council to explore women’s representation at various levels of government.



妇女在公共生活中当选官员的PDF文件. 2020-2022年阿尔维诺报告.


来自妇女研究中心的最新报告 & 《澳门水利博彩官方网站》对公众开放. This report, titled "阿尔维诺报告:威斯康星州公共生活中的妇女—Elected Officials," 是基于两年的, 混合方法研究项目, which included a non-partisan survey and in-depth qualitative interviews.

The objective of the research was to understand Wisconsin women officeholders’ pathways to public office. "阿尔维诺报告:威斯康星州公共生活中的妇女 - Elected Officials" is intended to be a call to action and includes recommendations 为 how to help improve gender equity in political leadership.

下载: 阿尔维诺报告:威斯康星州公共生活中的妇女—Elected Officials



"The 妇女和女童研究中心 has a responsibility to be a voice that represents the binds many women and girls face as a result of the intersection of their identities, 而且它 必须参加当地的, national and international conversations about what it means to be a marginalized human and what it means to be a human who has an equal opportunity 为 a life of 真实,快乐和幸福."

林赛·哈纳德博士, director of the 澳门水利博彩官方网站大学 妇女和女童研究中心


The 澳门水利博彩官方网站大学 妇女和女童研究中心 is proud to partner with other institutions of higher education, 12年义务教育学校, 非营利组织和其他团体. 我们提供 以下服务:

Our curricula equip educators and community organizations to address issues that impact women and girls, 加强我们为社会提供资源的能力.


Anti-Bullying Behavior 课程: Changing Climate and Culture in Our Schools by Identifying, 防止, 和面对欺凌行为  
课程作者:Nancy Athanasiou, EdD
Our curriculum assists educators who work with middle and high school students to understand and address issues created by bullying behavior in their schools and communities.

课程团队:Nancy Athanasiou, EdD; Kayla Fraley, BSE; Amy Westmoreland, MEd; select 珍珠 staff and alums.
The 研究 Center partnered with Milwaukee nonprofit 少女珍珠 to update its self-development curriculum.

在外过夜 讨论指南
课程编写者:Desiree Pointer Mace博士
The 研究 Center created a discussion guide 为 Laj Waghray’s documentary film 在外过夜. 在密尔沃基电影节上展出, 在外过夜 记录生活 从青春期到成年早期的四个女孩. The discussion guide provides a chance 为 the audience to further analyze the film and engage in an in为mative discussion.

课程作者:Nancy Athanasiou, EdD
This training guide was developed to facilitate a conversation about bullying behavior with elementary students. Training objectives include: raising awareness about the power of words and providing a safe atmosp在这里 为 participants to share their experiences.

有关我们课程的更多信息,请与我们联系 研究.Center@3600151.com.

The 澳门水利博彩官方网站大学 妇女和女童研究中心 is a resource to facilitate organization and program evaluation. 过去的客户包括:

The 研究 Center developed a pre- and post-program assessment 为 ‌Power2Thrive, a program created by The Women’s Tree, that pairs up women and girls with the objective of creating natural mentoring relationships and developing future leaders.

研究中心, in collaboration with the 澳门水利博彩官方网站 Educational 研究 and 评价 department, 回应了评价的需要 少女珍珠, a nonprofit leadership development organization serving youth aged 10 to 19.  第一个 phase of the evaluation answered basic trend questions about growth in the number of girls enrolling in and completing one or more semesters in the 珍珠 program. 该报告确定了 many girls were meeting program goals and addressed differences across types of program sites and the girls’ backgrounds. 第二阶段的重点是评估组织的 in-house data management system and offering particular support in relation to its plans to build internal program evaluator and assessment capacity, 同时保留 外部专家评估公司的服务.

For more in为mation about our evaluation services, please contact us at 研究.Center@3600151.com.

可以访问过去的研究报告 在这里.



我们依靠像您这样慷慨的捐助者来支持我们的研究, 课程发展、活动和推广活动. Your gift supports our goals to raise awareness about issues that impact the lives of women and girls and identify strategies to address these issues.

今天通过网上制作礼物 这种形式 -请使用 comments section to designate the 妇女和女童研究中心 as the recipient of your gift.




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